The company “Video Alarm”, successfully works in the field of the security and technical protection of facilities and opened spaces for more that 20 years, as one of the leading companies in that domain in Macedonia.
We offer complete solutions for your business:
- alarm systems
- video surveillance
- record systems
- access control
- video intercom intercom
- computer systems
- computer networks
- fire detection and reporting
- sliding / wing doors / ramps
- interactive boards and displays
- sound system of facilities
Phone: 076 243943
"BIROSAFE" ДООЕЛ Струмица е инжинеринг компанија, која се занимава со производство, продажба и монтажа на сигурносна, противпожарна и банкарска опрема (сигурносни и противпожарни сефови, каси и врати, трезори..). Сигурносни противпожарни врати, архивски и картотечни ормари, метални касети/фиоки за пари..