News![]() 10.12.2016
Best company at #ТвитерНагради
On 10th of December 2016, Golden Book for a second year in a row wins the award Best company at #ТвитерНагради. We have succeeded in remaining the most favourite part of every Twitter timeline.
![]() 07.12.2016
Libri i Artë 2016/17On 7th of December 2016, free distribution of Libri i Artë 2016/17 with the daily newspaper Koha. The free eddition can be found at the Telekom shops in Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo, Kichevo, Debar and Struga, as well as in the office of Golden Book in Skopje, bul. Partizanski Odredi 42/2. See more. 20.05.2016
Golden Book 2016/17On May 26th 2015, free distribution of the Golden Book 2016/17 with Dnevnik, Vest and Utrinski vesnik throughout the whole territory of Macedonia. Use 144 coupons for discounts up to -40% in the new Golden Book 2016/17. In the Golden Book, aside from new and updated information, you will get 144 coupons (from the perforated pages of the book), with which you can get up to -40% discounds throught the whole year in: Vrut Macedonia; Unior Komerc; Enerdzinet; Falkon travel; and other... ![]() 21.05.2015
Golden Book 2015/16On May 21st 2015, distribution of the Golden Book 2015/16, free of charge, with the daily newspapers - Dnevnik, Vest and Utrinski vesnik throughout the whole territory of Macedonia. Like every year, this year also, Golden Book offers you detailed and checked information for the addresses and the telephone numbers of the companies in Macedonia. This edition contains coupons for discount which can be used for different products and services.
![]() 06.12.2014
Libri i Artë 2014/15On December 06th, 2014 distribution of the Libri i Artë 2014/15, free of charge, with the newspaper Koha, in the shops of Princ in Skopje, Kiper Markets, Ideal Markets in Gostivar, all Dauti Komerc, Carefour in Tetovo, Montenegro in Gostivar, Aldis in Skopje, and Dashi in Debar. Everyone can get a free copy of this issue in the T-Home and T-Mobile shops in Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo and in the Golden Book office in Skopje, Blvd. Partizanski Odredi 42/2.
![]() 15.05.2014
Golden Book 2014/15The latest, jubilee 10th edition of Golden Book 2014/15 is distributed free of charge today (15.04.2014) along with the daily newspapers Dnevnik, Vest and Utrinski vesnik throughout the whole territory of Macedonia. Like every year, this year also, Golden Book offers you detailed and checked information for the addresses and the telephone numbers of the companies in Macedonia. Apart from the service information this edition of Golden Book contains coupons for discount which can be used in many points of sale for different products and services.
![]() 20.11.2013
Libri i Artë 2013/14On November 21th, 2013 distribution of the Libri i Artë 2013/14, free of charge, with newspaper Koha, on the territory of Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo and Struga. Everyone can get a free copy of this issue in the T-Home and T-Mobile shops in Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo and in the Golden Book office in Skopje, Blvd. Partizanski Odredi 42/2. ![]() 16.05.2013
Zlatna Kniga 2013/14On May 16th 2013, distribution of the Golden Book 2013/14, free of charge, with the daily newspapers - Dnevnik, Vest and Utrinski vesnik, on the territory of Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo and Veles. Everyone can get a free copy of this issue in the T-Home and T-Mobile shops in Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo, Veles and in the Golden Book office in Skopje, Blvd. Partizanski Odredi 42/2. 19.04.2013
Competition for innovation of Macedonian Telecom is one of the five selected partner projects on the open competition for innovation of Makedosnki Telekom. ![]() 23.11.2012
Libri i Artë 2012/13On November 21th distribution of the Libri i Artë 2012/13, free of charge, with newspaper Koha, on the territory of Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo and Struga. Everyone can get a free copy of this issue in the T-Home and T-Mobile shops in Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo and in the Golden Book office in Skopje, Blvd. Kliment Ohridski 53-1/3. 10.07.2012
Linking and www.MarketKonekt.comThe most comprehensive business directory in Macedonia - is linked with the largest on-line market -
Now, all of published products and services from firms on are available through Golden Book`s web site,
More than 1000 firms in Macedonia with more than 22,000 products are registerd on The companies already started selling through
Dragan Trajkov, Manager of supply – Soloprom, Skopje
Jusuf, Manager - Jeni Marmaris, Skopje 26.06.2012
Interview on TV Cegrani MediaInterview in albanian language about R3 Infomedia`s products:
![]() 15.05.2012
Zlatna Kniga 2012/13On May 17th distribution of the Golden Book 2012/13, free of charge, with the MPM editions - Dnevnik, Vest and Utrinski vesnik, on the territory of Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo and Veles. Everyone can get a free copy of this issue in the T-Home and T-Mobile shops in Skopje, Tetovo, Gostivar, Kumanovo, Veles and in the Golden Book office in Skopje, Blvd. Kliment Ohridski 53-1/3. ![]() Superbrand 2011/12Again, Golden Book is declared for Superbrend in Macedonia for 2011/12. The significant recognition received from the famous world organization “Superbrands international“ which evaluates brands in 88 countries worldwide. Zlatna Kniga iPhone and iPad application
Geo-location search through Zlatna Kniga database of companies in Macedonia The application provides geo-location search through Zlatna Kniga database of companies and entities in Macedonia. Key features of the application are: - Geo-location search (nearest first results) - Each result options: Call now, Save in contact list, Directions, Show on map - Search History - Option for Geo-location search or by city Zlatna Kniga is useful, practical and easily accessible on the App Store. Zlatna Kniga Android Application
Geo-location search through Zlatna Kniga database of companies in Macedonia The application provides geo-location search through Zlatna Kniga database of companies and entities in Macedonia. Key features of the application are: - Geo-location search (nearest first results) - Each result options: Call now, Save in contact list, Directions, Show on map - Search History - Option for Geo-location search or by city Zlatna Kniga is useful, practical and easily accessible on the Android Market. ![]() Rate & Review on www.zk.mkFollowing the newest trends for users interaction, through the new service "Rate and Review” we give our users the opportunity to state their opinions and ratings for the advertisers on (the companies that have priority in listing, logo and more information). Every sent review and rating will be verified by Golden Book before it is published. The verification is done by strictly established Terms and Conditions of the “Rate and Review" service. – regional searchWe are glad to inform you that last month the five most comprehensive (in terms of number of entries and updated data) business directories in Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia and Romania reached an agreement on mutual cooperation and partnership which provides opportunity for users of these countries to search for suppliers and buyers of products and services on the neighbouring markets too. и extend services in both Bulgaria and MacedoniaТhe two most comprehensive classified business directories in Bulgaria and Macedonia signed a partnership agreement and launched a service showing the adverts of Bulgarian companies to Macedonian users, and of Macedonian companies to Bulgarian users. see more... ![]() – regional searchIn 2009 Golden Book is declared for Superbrend in Macedonia. The significant recognition received from the famous world organization “Superbrands international“ which evaluates brands in 82 countries worldwide, and this year in Macedonia. | Во трговијата на мало во февруари годинава, во споредба со февруари минатата година, гледано по групи и класи, стапката на прометот во групата Трговија на мало ... Нова потенцијана инвестиција на италијанска компанија во ТИРЗ ШтипДиректорот Гоце Димовски денес оствари средба со Марио Де Роза, прв секретар, заменик шеф на мисија на италијанската амбасада во Македонија, регионалниот совет ... ЕК ЌЕ ИНВЕСТИРА ВО ВЕШТАЧКА ИНТЕЛИГЕНЦИЈА: Што ќе добие Македонија од тоа?Европската комисија денеска усвои Работна програма за инструментот „Дигитална Европа“ за периодот 2025-2027 година, со која се предвидени 1,3 милијарди евра за ... Workplace Conference 2025: Иднината не чека!На 26 март 2025 година, во вонвременскиот Сава Центар во Белград, Србија, се одржа Workplace Conference 2025, единствениот настан во регионот на кој се ... Укинувањето на санкциите што Русија ги побара од САД, всушност, зависи од ЕУВашингтон сигнализира дека можеби размислува за некакво ублажување, но всушност исполнувањето на условите зависи од Европската унија (ЕУ), пишува „Reuters“. И ... Ѕвоното на Македонска берза ѕвони 29 годиниВреме зa читање: < 1 минутa Со три удари на ѕвончето, пред 29 години беше означен почетокот на работењето на Македонската берза. На тогашниот 28 март беше ... |