Rating (Rejting)

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  • Address : Rade Konchar 8-a/1-3
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1048 км
  • Location: Позади Градежен Факултет кај основното училиште Коле Неделковски

  • Telephone 2: +389 70 292683
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 09:00 to 17:00


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The agency Rating is a specialized agency for research of the public opinion and marker analysis. We work in accordance with the world ICC/ESOMAR standards and our services are characterized with dedication, quality and experience. Our approach is completely oriented towards the needs of the client.

We work with you step by step starting from the idea for research to the final report. This way we create research projects that are in accordance with your needs and expectations. So far we have collaborated with clients from different industrial branches, the non governmental sector and numerous international organizations.
Rating a part of the regional network of DEEP DIVE, Belgrade and we are in disposal of 1500 trained interviewers and coordinators from the Balkan region and research teams with more than 15 years of experience in the area. In the Republic of Macedonia, the agency is in disposal of a network of 250 professional and experienced interviewers and coordinators in all the regions of the state.

Capacities are based on the WARP-IT software – specialized for researches, analysis and statistics which provides:
CAPI – Face to face survey with a help of computer
CATI – Telephone surveys with the help of computer
CAWI – Online surveys
The researches are conducted in completely equipped modern call center with 16 stations and modern areas for focus groups (one-way mirror), as well as audio and video recording.
In the researches so far Rating has covered more than 100 000 examinees, whereupon has conducted the biggest survey on city level where 11 500 took place.

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