
  • Address : Gjorgje Andreevikj Kun 36-b
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7503 км
  • Location: Лисиче


CPTS "ODZACI Blagoja i Gjuro” LLC - Skopje - Professional cleaning and burning of chimneys and other chimney devices (central heating boilers, ducts, fireplaces, ovens and grill hoods) by qualified chimney sweepers.

Basic aspects and benefits of timely, quality and permanent cleaning of chimneys and other devices:
Prevention of fire and other unintended consequences
Energy saving for over 20%
Greater delivery of heat energy
Preservation of long-lasting chimney devices
Protecting the environment by reducing harmful gases in the air.

Company for Production, Trade and Services “Odzaci Blagoja i Djuro” LLC Skopje was founded in 1991 (as a Communal Services Company “Odzaci”). From its existence to this day exclusively acts as a chimney company. The company is a family business privately owned by two brothers who, besides high and secondary vocational training, have both chimney diplomas and many years of chimney experience with a great knowledge of boiler systems.

The professionalism of the company is reflected in the long experience in the realization of the most complex and difficult chimney interventions, such as: extinguishing, professional burning, cleaning, as well as controlling the whole process in the heating system (boiler, channel and chimney) at the highest level, professional drilling of chimney when it is inevitably another solution and removal of a trash, cinder or nest of birds in the chimney.

The company "Odzaci" has professional chimney sweep stands and equipment and other facilities for realization of any engagements (professional assemblers, pressure devices, hot water pumps, a large selection of accessories, brushes, punching heads of the best quality. One part of the equipment is made in our workshops, part bought in the country and above all abroad.

-Remove, burn, clean and control of all kinds of chimneys ventilation and fireplaces
- Control of the correctness of the heating devices
-Dry cleaning of devices
-Checking and issuing attestation certificates for chimneys and ventilation ducts and their connections to newly built residential and residential business objects before commissioning
-Duting, burn, clean and control all kinds of chimneys ventilation and fireplaces
- Burner settings
- Burning fireplaces, chimneys, chunks and hoods from grill or oven

* Satisfied customers are our primary goal!!! *

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