Ariton prim

  • Fax: +389 2 3109769
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00


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Wi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned


The core business of the company TRENDLINE LLC - Skopje is focused on design, construction and equip of pools, hydro massage tubs (JACUZZI), Finnish sauna, infrared sauna, steam baths as well as equipment from European and world manufacturers,...


Mzt engineering

  • Address : Sv.Kliment Ohridski b.b., lam.2/6
  • Place: Bitola
  • Distance: ≈1142 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 15:00

Mzt Engineering is a proven supplier of equipment in the automotive industry, energy, transport equipment and systems, construction equipment, etc., and the experts rank it among the leading capacities in the field of deep drawing and metal stamping in the Republic of Macedonia and the Balkans.

ParkingWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned


  • Address : s.Zherovjane
  • Place: Tetovo
  • Distance: ≈1038 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 07:00 to 17:00

JU-SM is a company that offers effective and efficient realization of services, that is, complete work services, both in our country and in the surrounding countries.



The location of the mine-quarry in the area of ​​s.Sopot, Kumanovo, with direct asphalt access road in length from 4.5 km next to the highway Kumanovo-Tabanovci.


Оваа изјава на Кочовска (дека смета дека не навредила никого со својата реплика) ни кажува дека жената нема капацитет да ги процени своите постапки, да преземе ...
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Меѓу бројните егзотични дестинации, европските градови и медитеранските плажи претставени на неодамна одржаниот 46. Меѓународен саем за туризам во Белград, ...
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