
  • Address : Bozhidar Adzhija 1 lok.1
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1051 км
  • Location: карши Општина Кисела Вода во зелената зграда (бела со зелени олуци) позади Стопанска банка низ пролазите кај плочникот


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Geo-Compass is a company established in 2019, bringing together a team of professionals with over 15 years of experience in the fields of geodesy and cadastre. The company operates in areas such as geodesy, cadastre, expert evaluations, real estate appraisals, engineering geodesy, and industrial geodesy. With its professional team, it offers comprehensive solutions to challenges in the cadastre field, geodesy, court expert reports related to geodesy, and real estate appraisals.


Numerical data
Physical partitioning
Legalization of unlawfully constructed buildings
Resolution of property-legal matters
Marking boundaries of cadastral parcels
Identification of cadastral parcels
Updated geodetic bases
Court expert reports
Surveying of infrastructure objects
Measurement of interior areas
Recording the actual condition
Other types of geodetic reports
Appraisals of apartments, houses, yards, garages, and commercial buildings
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