Bromi promet

  • Address : s.Vranishte
  • Place: Struga
  • Distance: ≈7498 км
  • Location: на главниот пат Струга - Дебар


Photo of Location
Bromi Promet LLC is a trading, manufacturing, and service company with 100% private ownership. It was founded in 1993 by Bruno Cirkoski. Over its many years of operation, the company has continually specialized and adapted to the needs of consumers.

The company's headquarters are located in the village of Vranishta, Struga. Since 2017, it has expanded its operations to three new facilities in the village of Kosel, Ohrid, where 20 highly skilled workers are employed.

These facilities are equipped with new technology and machinery to meet the expectations of potential customers.
Photo of Location

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