
  • Address : Tajmishka 2
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1048 км
  • Location: н.Железара

  • Fax: +389 2 2618141


Suggested results for your search terms:

6 days a week

Feromont Engineering

  • Address : Lisec 2-a
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1054 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Sat from 07:00 to 17:00

With its many years of experience, the company Feromont Engineering has successfully designed and performed numerous projects in the field of metalworking (steel constructions, metalworking, sheet metal and roofing works).

Parking6 days a weekWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned

Mikro asu

  • Address : Hristo Tatarchev (Sava Kovachevikj), servisna zona jug 1/115
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1052 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:30 to 16:30 • Sat from 09:00 to 14:00

The company MIKRO ASU is engaged in the trade of materials, machines and technologies for the production of advertisements and the printing industry.

Parking6 days a weekDelivery


  • Address : 16-ta Makedonska Brigada 18
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1050 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Sat from 08:00 to 15:00

Jole is a company that deals with the production and trade of iron products.

Wi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned

Ergo Kom

  • Address : Kosturski Heroi (29-ti Noemvri) 4/8
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1048 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00

Ergo Kom is a company operating on the market for specialized building materials.


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