Promet Steel Holding

  • Address : Jadranska magistrala (Kachanichki pat), s.Vizbegovo 114
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1043 км
  • Location: Визбегово


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The company PROMET STEEL HOLDING has been in existence since 2016 and has over 100 employees in several sectors led by a highly qualified professional and responsible team that can respond to every challenge and project.

160 - Professionals in our team
5 - Holding with 5 sectors with different missions
142 - Satisfied customers in Macedonia and the region
812 - Successful projects in every industry where we work

We offer a wide range of services and products. Submit your questions and quote requests through our website or call us directly. Our expert team is ready to respond as soon as possible.

- Steel Trans
In this company, we have over 15 dump trucks and platforms, bulldozers and grapples for transportation and collection of scrap iron, transportation of rebar and other needs of the HOLDING.

- Steel Control
Style Control is located in Skopje, Gjorce Petrov neighborhood. The start of work dates back to 2019. It covers about 17,000 m2, of which the production hall occupies an area of 1750 m2.

- Aktiva Holding (Restaurant AKTIVA)
In addition to the main activity, we also have a subsidiary restaurant that deals with restaurant operations, in which we are always guided by the motto that our guest should always be satisfied with the service.

- P.S.H. Building

- PSB Energy

For all questions and information, contact us at 077 655551 and 076 200003.

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