
  • Address : bul.Partizanski Odredi 102-2/1
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7496 км

  • Fax: +389 2 3204405
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 09:00 to 17:00


Suggested results for your search terms:

Internet accessWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned


  • Address : Naroden Front 17
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7499 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00

The Aseko Group is a federation of companies operating in the field of information technology. The Aseko Group offers comprehensive, patented IT solutions for all sectors of the economy.

Internet accessWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned

Edu Soft

  • Address : Filip Vtori Makedonski (Stiv Naumov) 11-1/1
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7499 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 09:00 to 17:00

Edu Soft is a professional software company that specializes in the design, development and implementation of software applications.

Parking6 days a weekAirconditionedCards accepted

Neocom (Neokom)

  • Address : bul.K.J.Pitu 15
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7501 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 17:00

The portfolio of services offered by Neocom includes everything from sale of computer hardware and software to the most complex systems for communication and “turnkey” solutions intended for customers as well as for specific purpose.

6 days a weekInternet accessWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned

Accent (Akcent)

  • Address : Orce Nikolov 133-d/3
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7498 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:30

The servicing and maintenance is covered for the entire territory of Macedonia.


Денес, на онлајн прес-конференција трите пензиски друштва го одбележаа почетокот на четвртото продолжение од кампањата „Засади желба“. Четврта година по ред, ...
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