
  • Address : ul.23, s.Sopishte 33-a
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7502 км


    Suggested results for your search terms:

    ParkingWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned

    Fluid proekt

    • Address : bul.Srbija 9
    • Place: Skopje
    • Distance: ≈7502 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00

    Fluid Project is a private company, which is the only company working in the field of treatment of drinking water and sewage, environment protection and underwater research.

    ParkingWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned


    • Address : ul.1 102
    • Place: Skopje
    • Distance: ≈7510 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:30 to 16:30

    Hidros Company from Skopje, Republic of Macedonia is established and exists from 1991 in the field of chemical industry

    ParkingWi-Fi Zone7 days a weekAirconditioned


    • Address : Ho Shi Min 220-B
    • Place: Skopje
    • Distance: ≈7498 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Sun from 08:00 to 18:00

    NIKOSAN-JZ is a company whose main business is import and distribution of spare parts for cars we import from Germany, Italy, Slovenia, UK and USA, and sell high quality auto parts for all types of cars from brands who are their direct manufacturers.



    • Address : Venijamin Machukovski 28, p.fah 723
    • Place: Skopje
    • Distance: ≈7501 км
    • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00

    EHI is a specialized company which principal business is construction, design, reconstruction and renovation of water supply and sewerage systems, pump and filter stations, reservoirs, irrigation and drainage systems, water treatment plants as well as other hydro-technical facilities. Our company disposes of experienced and qualified personnel and equipment for successful solutions also of the most complex situations related to the realization of these constructions.


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    Германскиот синџир супермаркети Aldi ги заведувал потрошувачите со реклами за попуст, одлучи Европскиот суд на правдата (ЕСП), прифаќајќи ги аргументите на ...
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    На почетокот на август беше објавено дека модната група Esprit може да ги затвори сите 56 свои продавници во Германија до крајот на годината, а сега овие ...
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    Време зa читање: 3 минути Криптовалутите, како нематеријален имот се даночат во Македонија. Според Закон, се плаќаат 10 отсто од остварената капитална добивка. ...
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