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  • Address : Alekso Demnievski 7
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1045 км

  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00


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Lightning and overvoltage protection are the main and leading activity of the company Daris engineering DOOEL Skopje. The company is specialized, equipped and completely certifies for productions, execution, installation, control and designing of systems for lightning and overvoltage protection.

The decades of experience and education of our staff and the professional associates in the area of the design, execution and control of lightning installations is gained with active participation in over 500 lightning installations in the Republic of Macedonia-number which deserves respect and is emphasized with special pride!
Daris engineering DOOEL Skopje is the only company in the Republic of Macedonian with personal production and wide assortment of lightning equipment. At the same time it’s one of the few companies in Europe and in the world which produce innovative and patented lightning rods with a system for early star up (GFURS) and additional lightning equipment, certified in accordance with the widely accepted French standard NF C 17-102, Spanish standard UNE 21186 and in accordance with the Macedonian standards MKS Н.Б4.801 and MKS Н.Б4.810.

The lighting rod VEDA TOTAL at the moment is the most contemporary lightning rod with a system for early start up in the world! Certified in the biggest European high voltage laboratory ICMET Craiova in Romania and nоstrified on the Faculty of electrical engineering and information technologies in Skopje. VEDA TOTAL is the only lighting rod from any type present on the Macedonian marker, which is tested and certified as safe for use by the Institute for public health of the Republic of Macedonia with a certificate for no presence of radioactive nucleoids.

The lightning rod VEDA TOTAL is produced in accordance with the latest standards for this type of equipment using strictly selected components. In the process of the production is applied the most innovative and original patented technology. The quality of each unique lightning rod VEDA TOTAL is followed in every step of the production stage with a final QC certificate.

Still, in collaboration with its business partners the company Daris engineering DOOEL Skopje can offer the latest integrated multistage equipment for overvoltage equipment in class 1, 2 and 3 with a unique HEXSA COOL MOSFET technology, in accordance with the standards IEC 62305-4, IEC 61643-1, IEC 60939-2 and ANSI/IEEE C 62.41.1-2. The equipment is certified as the fastest in its class with reaction time less than <1ns (nano second).

The pallet of products and services of Daris engineering DOOEL Skopje in the area of the lighting and overvoltage protection comprises:

- lightning rods with a device for early start (GFURS) type VEDA TOTAL;
- measuring instruments for testing of accuracy of GFURS;
- measuring instruments for remote contactless testing of the correctness of GFURS;
- solar panels for remote contactless testing of the correctness of GFURS;
- counters of lightning hits;
- Franklin lightning rods;
- final (end) lightning rods according the standard EN 62305-3;
- masts for lightning rods;
- carriers of lightning masts performed with or without the possibility to overthrow;
- grounding electrodes;
- material for improving of grounding characteristics of the earth ground;
- joining equipment (cross clutches, holders for galvanized bar...);
- devices for detection of lightning storm;
- expert technical assistance and mediation while dismantling of radioactive lightning rods (plr);
- modern equipment for overvoltage protection classes 1, 2 and 3;
- design and construction of lightning protection and overvoltage protection;
- professional consulting for lightning and overvoltage protection.

The quality of all products and services are certified by ISO 9001: 2008 and the continuing education of professional staff, innovative development of custom products and steady progress with top technology certified and genuine know-how.
For all the offered products and services the company Daris engineering DOOEL Skopje to its customers and associates offers impeccable after sale professional technical support, training and dedicated service.

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