
  • Address : Goce Delchev 37
  • Place: Kicevo
  • Distance: ≈7498 км


Suggested results for your search terms:

Parking6 days a weekWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned

Elektron M

  • Address : Zenichka 13
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7500 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 20:00 • Sat from 08:00 to 16:00

Elektron M is a company that deals with the import and sale of auto parts.

Parking6 days a weekWi-Fi ZoneAirconditioned


  • Address : Bosna i Hercegovina 9
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7498 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00 • Sat from 09:00 to 14:00

Auto glass service Edel Prom- Skopje is present on the Macedonian marker for more than 20 years and it is a major competitor for the sale, installation, repair and representation of auto glass (windshields) at affordable prices from the renowned manufacturers such as Pilkington-England, Hirschler-Hungary, Olimpia - Turkey.

Public transport6 days a weekAirconditioned


  • Address : M.T.Gologanov (Ivo Lola Ribar) 70
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7498 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 15:30 • Sat from 09:00 to 13:00

ALS-B is a company whose main activity is trade in bearings, oil seals, chains, laces, gears, belts, measuring instruments, clutches and fats.

ParkingWi-Fi Zone7 days a weekAirconditioned


  • Address : Ho Shi Min 220-B
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7498 км
  • Working Hours: Mon - Sun from 08:00 to 18:00

NIKOSAN-JZ is a company whose main business is import and distribution of spare parts for cars we import from Germany, Italy, Slovenia, UK and USA, and sell high quality auto parts for all types of cars from brands who are their direct manufacturers.


Народната банка го објави редовното статистичко соопштение за позначајните промени кај надворешниот долг, надворешните побарувања и меѓународната инвестициска ...
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Министерот за економија и труд, Бесар Дурмиши денеска оствари состанок со претседателот на Стопанската комора на Северозападна Македонија (СКСЗМ), Менди Ќура. ...
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„Реплек АД“ продолжува да бележи позитивни резултати од своето работење. Во првите шест месеци од годината вкупните остварени приходи од продажба во сегментот ...
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