
  • Address : Gernika 80
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈1058 км
  • Location: Собирниот центар се наоѓа во Индустриска зона на ул.Драчевска б.б., на влез на Драчево,стариот пат за с.Батинци

  • Telephone 2: +389 78 450394
  • Working Hours: Mon - Fri from 08:00 to 16:00


- Waste oils
- Hazardous waste
- Collective centre for waste oils

The waste oils are one of the most hazardous polluters of the living environment so they should be stored in an appropriate manner and place.

The waste oils must not be poured into soil, drains or to be burned.

DTU Auto-Haus Zakovski LLC Skopje has a permit from the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and it is an authorized collector of waste oil and waste motor and transmission oils (13 02) and waste hydraulic oils (13 01).

The collection of the waste oils is performed from Owners of waste oils from all over Macedonia, on the basis of a signed Agreement for business cooperation.

We work on call to collect the waste oil and for the collected amount we issue a verified form for record of waste oils. The waste oils are stored in the Collective centre for waste oils located on the street Drapchevska b.b.

DTU Auto-Haus Zakovski LLC Skopje is ready for cooperation with all the Owners of waste oils.

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