Anfil computers

  • Address : Ivan Hadzhinikolov (Ratko Mitrovikj) 135-B
  • Place: Skopje
  • Distance: ≈7509 км
  • Location: Стара последна за 41 автобус.


Retail Price - VAT Included:60.000 MKD

Ламинатор DTS-1600 MANUEL

Retail Price - VAT Included:3.000 MKD


Retail Price - VAT Included:1.200 MKD


Retail Price - VAT Included:54.000 MKD

Катер YH-1360

Retail Price - VAT Included:1.200 MKD

Computer Chairs

Retail Price - VAT Included:4.500 MKD4.050 MKD

Стол 5630

Retail Price - VAT Included:1.450 MKD1.305 MKD

Стол посетителски

Retail Price - VAT Included:1.200 MKD

Х-Банер 160*60см

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Digicom is the only company that upgrades your "old and weak" computer, with the option of a full replacement for a new one using the "old-for-new" principle.

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Merian as is the only company in Macedonia that with its own production and existence for two decades equips the elementary schools, high schools, faculties, kindergartens, offices with complete equipment and furniture.

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Video alarm

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  • Distance: ≈7499 км
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The company “Video Alarm”, successfully works in the field of the security and technical protection of facilities and opened spaces for more that 20 years, as one of the leading companies in that domain in Macedonia.


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